Aug 9, 2022Liked by Mark Changizi

100%. We need to stop coming to the wrong conclusions. There are two fundamental questions for me : 1. Do you own your body or does someone else? 2. Is society a natural human state of being or a construct of govt that requires us to “take one for the team” at their behest even if we may be injured in the process?

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How their thinking and actions appear to me: I demand you do what I do and make all the same decisions I do, as well. Otherwise I’m not validated and relevant until all fall in line with me. S

The reality is, they’re nothing more than a poiled little b*tches who feel entitled to tell the world how (Self) important they think they are.

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When the only evidence that The Science (TM) is based in is the "consensus" (of chosen ideologues) who's only expertise is in soft social and behavioral science, i.e. psychological manipulation, as epidemiological NPI and not the hard natural and medical science that "Skeptics" relied upon to guide their beliefs, actions and pleadings, The Science (TM) will eventually come crashing down.

The leaders of this ongoing catastrophe and their shrill barking dogs in the media and social media never were "following the evidence at the time." They were setting a narrative, participating in psychological manipulation to change behaviors by amplifying fear as pandemic NPI. Scare the bejeezus out of people from socializing with one another and accustom them to sacrificing essential civil liberties. Like only weaponized fear can do.

"Evidence-based" medicine and science today is a synonym for a "consensus of experts." A consensus of hand-picked ideological aligned experts, that is. The consensus of experts at a gathering of collectivist authoritarian Marxists will look a lot different than the consensus of experts at a gathering of individualist liberty Patriots.

In January, 2021 MIT released a study of "Coronavirus Skeptics" seeking to understand the disobedient rubes disseminating dangerous dis- and misinformation. The findings are astonishing. Real, hard, natural and medical science dismissed as unorthodox, thereby wrong. Not that the science was wrong. But that by contradicting the consensus of their experts it was dangerous. Nothing is more dangerous to a top-heavy lie than truth that crashes through the legs it is built upon. When they say they were following The Science (TM) and it's changed so we should get over it they're saying they believed their own lies or willful ignorance.

Enjoy the read, excerpts from the study link below in comments:

Viral Visualizations: How Coronavirus Skeptics Use Orthodox

Data Practices to Promote Unorthodox Science Online

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, January 20, 2021


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