Mar 6, 2023Liked by Mark Changizi

Jim Haslam has been documenting the US development of SARS Cov 2 on his Twitter but more concisely on his new substack. For example this is a 2015/2016 paper https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1517719113

Sasha Latypova has documented and analyzed the government contracts. There are many others providing corroborating evidence. I don’t see how this is debatable to anyone familiar with the evidence. The issue is who holds the DOD accountable? Who holds ‘philanthropist’ Bill and Melinda Gates accountable?

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Mar 7, 2023Liked by Mark Changizi

While we must acknowledge we’ve been utterly betrayed by Government, Pharma, Media and Education, we must also hold ourselves to account. We acted as a mob, a stampeding herd. It was our compliance that allowed once trusted institutions to leverage a respiratory virus into the largest transfer of wealth in history. Worse, our meek response awakened the specter of authoritarianism, which now stretches and yawns as it surveys the scene and considers the new Dawn.

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Criminal defense counsel will often attempt to muddy the waters around the evidence of their client's guilt when they don't have a strong defense to the evidence that is presented by the prosecution. They will often submit alternative evidence, agendas, hypotheses that create reasonable doubt in the minds of juries. Doubt. When all they have is doubt they submit for consideration plausible explanations for the crime their client is accused of that absolves them of guilt.

Politicians often do the same when they are courting the jury of public opinion holding a weak hand. Rather than lose supporters outright by admitting their policies are mistaken they will attempt to muddy the waters. Kind of like how Gov. Newsom attacks Gov. DeSantis for Florida's lighter pandemic hand than his in California by calling DeSantis a dictator and California the land of freedom. Absurd by most all definitions of freedom in our nation. But muddies the water enough for his supporters in California and totalitarian pandemic protocols around the nation.

(Aside - listening to Newsom reminded me of a Southpark episode:

You're a towel!

https://youtu.be/2YIhGUyHo2A )

Lab leak. Wet market. Wuhan. Baric/Fauci rogue gain-of-function research. Throw it all out there. Muddy the water. Ensures they'll never be held accountable. Some US agencies say Wuhan lab leak, other agencies say not. Creates enough reasonable doubt that a possible jury wouldn't be able to convict. And more importantly, so the jury of public opinion doesn't convict. Is that a head fake admission to a crime? Or just a way to muddy the waters?

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Mar 6, 2023·edited Mar 6, 2023

Thank you for the post!

I think #2 & #3 could both be true.

Would people be more scared of a possible lab leak virus if the virus was an actual lab leak?

It could have been an actual lab leak, but by itself was not much on additional threat to people. The mass hysteria, amplified by it appearing to be a lab leak virus, allowed the catastrophic response.

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I think the "head fake" is that leak was accidental.

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Mar 6, 2023·edited Mar 6, 2023

Keep in mind that while central banks control nations; ours is run by the National Security Council, which is why anything and anybody is a threat to National Security. The Pentagon is heavily involved; so it’s convenient we have 800 bases and 20,000 planes, capable of spraying the entire human race with anything, anytime they want. And the Department of Energy is the Atomic Energy Commission; the ones who brought us the bomb, and know how to keep a secret.

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