Mark - I may have just missed it as you do put out a lot of posts between your various social media accounts but have you given your thoughts or opinion yet on why the 2022 midterm elections turned out the way they did, why the Democrat party defied the odds and the norm for a mid-term election? I also realize you may have no take on it at all, just curious. It's hard to find persons within academia like yourself (like Bret Weinstein and his wife) who went against the grain (what most of academia promoted) regarding covid and I'm hoping to see more of that in all topics of interest, not just covid. For the Weinstein's they became aware of the problems that identity politics were causing in colleges long before covid opened their eyes to problems in academia as a whole. Their being evolutionary biologists may have something to do with that as I've noticed many in that field seem to refuse to tow the academia narrative on covid
On the election, nah, I have no insights. I don’t have my finger on the pulse of the election debates, but… did any Republicans actually run on being against medical authoritarianism?
On evolution, indeed, he and I are both evolutionary biologists. I’m not sure there’s any generalization to be made though: like most academia, that field seems to me equally far Left.
He didn't run but I'd say Republican Senator Rand Paul has worked pretty hard at exposing the governments fraud with covid. I wouldn't have expect anyone on either side to say much about medical tyranny at this point, not in the US. It's not that they aren't still trying to push the pandemic so much as currently there are other issues more important on most peoples priority lists. Had the mid-terms been 1 year earlier I think you would have seen candidates on both sides speaking about it.
Clearly there are more evolutionary biologists then I thought. I thought its was very small field. I don't doub the field is mostly far left but it at least appeared to me, an outsider, like as if within academia it was the evo bio's who were questioning the narratives around covid instead of going along with them.
Mark - I may have just missed it as you do put out a lot of posts between your various social media accounts but have you given your thoughts or opinion yet on why the 2022 midterm elections turned out the way they did, why the Democrat party defied the odds and the norm for a mid-term election? I also realize you may have no take on it at all, just curious. It's hard to find persons within academia like yourself (like Bret Weinstein and his wife) who went against the grain (what most of academia promoted) regarding covid and I'm hoping to see more of that in all topics of interest, not just covid. For the Weinstein's they became aware of the problems that identity politics were causing in colleges long before covid opened their eyes to problems in academia as a whole. Their being evolutionary biologists may have something to do with that as I've noticed many in that field seem to refuse to tow the academia narrative on covid
On the election, nah, I have no insights. I don’t have my finger on the pulse of the election debates, but… did any Republicans actually run on being against medical authoritarianism?
On evolution, indeed, he and I are both evolutionary biologists. I’m not sure there’s any generalization to be made though: like most academia, that field seems to me equally far Left.
He didn't run but I'd say Republican Senator Rand Paul has worked pretty hard at exposing the governments fraud with covid. I wouldn't have expect anyone on either side to say much about medical tyranny at this point, not in the US. It's not that they aren't still trying to push the pandemic so much as currently there are other issues more important on most peoples priority lists. Had the mid-terms been 1 year earlier I think you would have seen candidates on both sides speaking about it.
Clearly there are more evolutionary biologists then I thought. I thought its was very small field. I don't doub the field is mostly far left but it at least appeared to me, an outsider, like as if within academia it was the evo bio's who were questioning the narratives around covid instead of going along with them.