Why does it matter that I insist that it was not a Plandemic?
It matters because it is one of many MANY impossibilities in the claim that this was all due to a Plandemic.
And, most of all, it matters because if one just believes this is all due to evil cabals that did this to us, one will not identify the deeper dangers, the dangers that have always been with us: our propensity toward collective hysteria and to develop new “cults” and hated out groups that we then destroy. This repeatedly happens because we humans are prone to it. That deeper “physics” will be ignored if one believes super powerful witches did this.
Said differently, if one mistakenly thinks only bad intent can be evil — and our normal everyday intuitions about free will, moral responsibility and culpability bias one to think this — one will keep looking to find the “true” villains, the ones that actually DID have bad intent, the ones that *must* be external to the system and are puppeteering it all rather than themselves having drunk the opposition’s KoolAid.
And… they will end up excusing the actual culprits.
My FreeX.group is devoted to this.
I think part of it is also that people won't accept that they are personally responsible for playing a part in the hysteria too. And also, it's a total cop out. If the evil plans are pre-ordained, predetermined then there's no point fighting is there? There's no point striving for a better society or future for our kids. They can just keep sitting on their complacent plandemicer arses shrieking from their keyboards. Leave the real work to those of us who's brains didn't melt....
All that you say above is true to my understanding. I have focused much of the past three years researching the how's and the who's responsible, educating myself and others about the psychological weapons that have been used against the public mind and reason to manufacture consent to totalitarianism. There is much knowledge to be gained in that pursuit, knowledge being power, empowering. The why's remain very speculative. Probably because there's more agendas intertwined than we can decipher and distinguish clearly.
Which then comes down to how do we better resist the totalitarian psychological weapons of choice regardless of the agendas too numerous to shine the "Aha" spotlight on, knowing that the rest of the rats will scatter away to hide themselves in the darkness, maybe even join in with those fingering the trapped rat?
When I first read your piece today I immediately thought of the Pogo artist and his cartoon expression, "we have met the enemy and the enemy is us," that's been popularized. I did some web searching for more information on the origins of his expression and was surprised to find many religious connections to the phrase. Catholic, Christian Biblical Psalms and publications, Jewish Torah passages and publications. And found this following passage very useful in highlighting the biggest weakness in society today that all who attain power and influence try to exploit:
"The opening line of our parashah (quoted above) raises an interesting question: Why does the Torah say “when you go out to war against your enemies”? The phrase “against your enemies” seems superfluous—armies always go to war against enemies; whom else would they go to war against? Yochanan “Jeff” Kirshblum offers an important insight in his commentary on Deuteronomy entitled Thinking Outside the Box. He suggests that the “enemies” referred to here are not the opponents on the battlefield, but rather ourselves—or more particularly, our Yezer Ha’rah (evil inclination), the tendency within us to free ourselves from God’s insistence on moral conduct regardless of the circumstances. That is the enemy with which we must do battle during times of war.
In this internal battle for the preservation of our moral compass, tradition teaches that we have two critical weapons: our compassion and our unwavering commitment to the principles of Torah that define our faith."
We are vulnerable because society today lacks faith in eternal truth and the moral compass that faith provides. I say this not as a particularly devout or pious person. But I have great respect for the truly (not opportunistically) devout and pious and the eternal wisdom that most scripture tries to convey. And have grown my relationship closer to God since 2020. As I've gained knowledge and become empowered I've learned lessons about humanity and our fallen nature that needs his guidance and grace to protect our freedom as he intends for us. He tells us we can follow his laws or we can follow man's laws, giving us free will to choose. But knowing that we will prefer his law (natural law) to the laws of fallen men (positive law). Because fallen men always have agendas that exploit other men instead of lifting all up to join them in grace; man seeks power and control. Even those men held in the highest esteem. All are fallen.
A brilliant legal philosopher and professor, Walter Berns, who understood the value of natural law shared an overarching understanding of the necessary role of morals in a free society. Memorialized in his obituary:
Washington Post, January 14, 2015
"Dr. Berns’s career, “reflects the classical view that democracy depends on the character of the citizens, so their opinions and beliefs, their personal habits and degree of self-discipline — in a word, their virtues — will matter to the prospects of democratic government.”
Dr. Berns argued against unbounded individual rights and for restrictions on pornography, which he believed eroded self-restraint.
“Those who are without shame,” he remarked, “will be unruly and unrulable; having lost the ability to restrain themselves by obeying the rules they collectively give themselves, they will have to be ruled by others.”"
We are the enemy. And when we free ourselves from God’s insistence on moral conduct regardless of the circumstances we become the enemy we believe we are fighting. I'm not one for sermons. But growing our faith and devotion to God's laws, upholding our own moral conduct even when it digresses from man's law is how we reclaim and preserve true freedom, as God intends for us. I don't believe there is any other way to protect ourselves from our failings exposed and exploited in 2020 like never before and metastasizing since. Our society's spiritual rot is what allowed the rats to seize the powers they've seized over us. And makes us vulnerable to the dangers ahead. Healing that seems to me to be the best way to treat the disease we suffer from instead of just symptoms as they appear.