This is quite interesting. And ive wondered for years how and when babys go from seeing what i think should appear as flat series of shapes at the beginning when they dont know what things are...if they see a couch w a painting and a glass of wine balanced on the arm and a dog on the couch what would a baby make of it all? And yes i was indeed surprised to see a mustache. But somehow aside from apparently creating my own perception of what someone behind a mask must look like im also assuming that they fear me or are repulsed by me. And if fearful i have know way of knowing if its groundless or not. I think i scan for information about their health based on age, carriage, skin tone etc. and then strangely if they appear to be asian i figure they are so accustomed to mask wearing (for poor air quality etc) that i mentally give them a bye. If they’re young and seemingly healthy i feel sorry for them as though theyre weak snowflakes who have a very large trophy cabinet.

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And that is the whole point. The so-called "science" on those ridiculous face diapers was known over 40 years ago definitively. It was always just a psy-op, meant to divide us and keep us afraid of each other. It was never virus protection, or even bacteria protection (20 X larger than viruses). And notice how many times you touched the mask while you were talking, transferring an even higher concentration of bacteria, viruses and fungi right against your face, while reducing oxygen levels over time, increasing CO2 inside the mask and re-breathing your own bacteria, which is meant to be circulated and cleansed away from your face as you exhale. Very unhealthy. And then there is the mask particulate matter, depending on what materials are used, like those Chinese made paper things that everyone was handing out at medical facilities. Tragic that they had people so easily brainwashed into complying. The children got the worst of it. Some of those poor kids will never recover from the neurological damage.

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