Ah, but Mark, you showed too much originality of thought and deviated too far from the script:

“I tested positive for COVID-19. Thankfully, I am only experiencing mild symptoms and am grateful for the protection that comes from being vaccinated and boosted. I encourage everyone who is eligible to get vaccinated and get boosted.”

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So that's how you get the vaccine to work!

After all the evidence of negative efficacy, abysmal safety data, multi-vaxxed celebrities getting repeated bouts of COVID, this is what they were missing with their superstitious ritual shot: They weren't doing enough fervent and continual chanting of the Magic Incantation.

Now I finally get it. (Now where's that headslap emoji...? ) Silly me.

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May 20, 2022Liked by Mark Changizi

On your knees facing Geneva clutching a photo of Bill Gates, you forgot that bit 😆

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May 20, 2022Liked by Mark Changizi

I died, but just think how bad it could have been had I not been vaccinated!

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May 20, 2022Liked by Mark Changizi

yes, like driving with a seatbelt. when you brake consciously and experience a mild deceleration. thanks to the save and effective seatbelt it's said you won't injure while slowing down healthy.

Compared to a "breakthrough deceleration" where you unexpectedly crash into a foreign object while on overdrive and get severely damaged or burn down alive because the fire fighters where unable to cut you out of the save and effective seatbelt in time. ^^

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I hear it from my vaxxed friends. It's all they got left. It's all that stands between them and a confession of error.

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