It is scary.. it's also scary how far left wing parents are convincing their kids to be pansexual or gender fluid. Scary.

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As I have said many times now, there are children being raised on Maximum Health Fear, and there are children being raised to see Maximum Health Fear as a bizarre and harmful absurdity. Which set of children will be better adjusted to life ten years from now? We all know the answer. I think even many of the parents presently indulging in Maximum Health Fear actually know the answer.

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In the dictionary next to Stockholm Syndrome, we will find a citation of this incident.

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Honestly this is pretty good. I mean it's silly making little kids wear masks but I only wish my kids had that kind of mettle in the face of authority. My kids have exemptions but they're still like 'but everyone else is wearing them'. I'd be overjoyed if they came home and said 'i told the teacher I wasn't going to do it because you said...'

But then again this kind of smells like a story that ends with 'and then everyone stood up and clapped'

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Terribly depressing. I see children, as young and younger than two years old, masked to the eyeballs all the time here in NYC, especially in my brainwashed upscale neighborhood in Brooklyn. Last summer, on hot and humid days, it seemed the rule, not the exception, to see unmasked parents standing around as their tots played fully masked, apathetically riding their scooters in circles or running under the hot sun in the park. I never figured out what could possibly be going on in those parents' heads. Did they think they were protecting their children? Or were the children already so indoctrinated that they insisted on wearing them? I fear we have lost at least one generation to lowered intelligence, stunted emotional development, serious chronic illnesses, and unthinking political and social obedience. And that doesn't even count the children who will be killed and permanently disabled by the injections these same "well-educated" parents will inflict on them.

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