I was going to get in shape, eat well and get an adequate amount of rest this cold and flu season to stave off illness, but I think I'll just wear 3 masks instead. Science!

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I don't think discouraging people from getting flu shots is a bad thing. But normalizing mask wearing every time there's an outbreak of anything, or anytime it's perceived as cold or flu season, definitely is.

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Specially since the Asian countries where it's somewhat fashionable to face veil (other than for smog protection) don't have smaller flu seasons than countries that don't.

The face veilers are no different than the god-prayers.

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In 34 years of nursing I never received a flu shot and I never masked prior to Covid until the hospital systems started mandating one or the other during flu season which started sometime around 2015. Interestingly Dr. Offit made a case against masks at the time https://www.medpagetoday.com/hospitalbasedmedicine/infectioncontrol/54905.

The influenza vaccine causes virus interference with coronaviruses, so take with caution. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7126676/

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OMG people are so stupid. Sorry. But it makes me incapable of having any discussion with face veilers. Call them face veilers, not maskers. Puritans.

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