This needs a visual representation like a Venn diagram. Well said.

This is also the symmetrical argument which was raised against “the unvaccinated” in 2021 and much of 2022 in North America.

An argument which is increasingly revealed to have been a marketing campaign.

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Anyone who lost a loved one due to the injections is injured.

Anyone who is now taking care of someone financially and otherwise is injection injured.

The whole of humanity is injured due to the acts of a few evil, perverted sociopathic echo chamber idiots.

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Mark - all of us who suffered at the hands of this have experienced additional injuries, ie all 3 of our children were vax coerced and bullied by their peers and school administrators, but they won't show up on anyone's list of victims or injured. And as parents we endured that scar - it has red pilled us forever and in a God-thankful manner re Providence we realize we are in a battle against "capture" by WOKE of all our institutions, and we are entering the battle field. Without that vax mandate oppression we may not be so aware -- many of our friends who don't share our experiences of discrimination are not so aware or ready to fight. It is a concrete and acute difference in viewing the events around us. We sometimes ask "are we the ones confused by the psy ops..."

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Some vaccine-injured. Others stupidity-injured.

Stupidity kills.

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