1) Yes, but I suspect I will never actually acknowledge my unvaccinated status while inside a medical or research institution because I am now legitimately afraid I would not leave said facility unvaccinated or alive (but I repeat myself). That's how little I trust doctors and medical researchers. I, a reasonable, intelligent person with no especially wacky views who never used to think such things, am actually worried I will be held and medicated against my will or made to die behind closed doors.

2) I read this paper today:


It immediately reminded me of the matrix you did last year(?) about the "new political spectrum" and thought you would find it interesting if you haven't read it already. Methodology is a little questionable (n is pretty small for my tastes and I don't necessarily love the way they frame variables like "populism" and "political discontent" with their survey) but the concepts were thought-provoking.

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Which is why the attacks will continue

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100%. This is essentially the tweet that put me in Twitter jail and still has me lingering there as they consider my appeal - or ignore my appeal more likely. The unvaccinated are the proverbial elephant in the room. The vaccinated aren’t experiencing Bell’s palsy, seizures, sudden adult death syndrome, myocarditis, strokes, weird blood clots, etc etc … But whatever

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