Good point Mark. I have felt this with the mandates as well. To work for local government in Victoria, Australia (council workers) you still need to have had the first two vaccinations to get a job even though those vax are for the original strains. It's just a matter of being a compliant worker. I worked for a council for 14 years and already knew that they hate people who don't comply. The mandates were the perfect excuse for them to expel these people. They didn't do it in any civilised way, more like crusaders or zealots. This rabid behaviour echoes the behaviour of the censors, stern and ignorant and self satisfied

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Mark - FYI.. When I hit the hotlink in the email for this story Microsoft Defender has labeled the substack website as unsafe and would not let me proceed. I had to manually navigate here. Not sure if its all of substack or just select sub-domains. I have grabbed a screenshot of it and saved it if you need a copy of it for any reason.

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I’d love to see a copy of it. mchangizi@gmail.com

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I just sent it to gmail.

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And, I presume you’re using Microsoft Outlook.

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Do you ever have trouble with other substack links from email?

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Thanks. I need to follow up with others.

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Mark - this is the first time I've gotten that error msg for ANY sub stack post by anyone. Yes I am using Outlook that is available to corporate clients of the Office 365 platform. That said I got this err msg while on my personal PC which uses OL365 but is not a part of our corporate domain; is not joined to my employers domain. I work within IT.

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FYI.. According to your bio your are a DUKE professor. I am a native Durhamian which is you live in the RTP area will know what that means. I relocated to the great lone star state of TX 14 years ago. Before that I was Durhamian born and lived there until moving to TX so I am VERY familiar with DUKE as well as its rival UNC.

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I taught at Duke way back in 98-02. Know the areas well. Although it has since exploded.

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Well that was a rather short stay. Hopefully it was long enough that you got to visit/experience the more interesting & unique parts of Durham like the Bull Durham Baseball park, the fun place on 9th street, Duke Gardens and of course a few visits to the enemy territory (i say that only in terms of collegiate sports) in Chapel Hill especially States Street on Halloween. There are few experiences that can compare to being on State Street on Halloween when it falls on a Friday or Saturday.

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If you ever need anything just ask.

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Why'd the covidian=Iranian religious laws post go down?

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This is the essence of authoritarianism: the daily work of the power structure becomes not in utilizing power to pursue a policy but to protect and maintain power itself. As this approaches 100% of a power structure's daily workload, the system collapses.

And this is why it doesn't matter whether you're dissenting against something that is factually accurate or false: because the dissent is in itself the problem.

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Good question Mark! Suggest you ask Twitter, FB, YT, MSM et al....

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