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The war against "hate speech" is like the war against "terror" - never-ending because they can simply redefine whatever they want as "terrorism" or "hate speech." Something someone says is not offensive by being said, it becomes "offensive" when someone hears it and interprets it as "offensive." Offense is in the ear of the beholder.

Because of that, the more thin-skinned and fragile people become the more things will be labeled as "offensive" or "hate speech." Because offense is in the ear of the beholder, people can also simply lie and say something was hateful even when they didn't think it was. That's why it's stupid to censor based on what someone thinks is hateful, distasteful or offensive.

If the person is that bad, people will stay away from them (or block them as it happens online). They don't need to be mandated censored.

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