The rub is that they have no idea that they are, and honestly believe in their heart of hearts they’re honorable. Mass psychosis is the only explanation for this seemingly willful refusal to loo at facts. Well, that and 50% the population has an IQ below 100 and another 35% top out at 115, just smart enough to not need a dictionary to read the newspaper but not quite enough to know they’re being lied to.
It's intellectual capitulation on one matter due to panic or duress caused by another matter. It presents as stupidity because we don't understand or refuse to acknowledge the unspoken other matter.
They are morally lost, not just intellectually lost.
The rub is that they have no idea that they are, and honestly believe in their heart of hearts they’re honorable. Mass psychosis is the only explanation for this seemingly willful refusal to loo at facts. Well, that and 50% the population has an IQ below 100 and another 35% top out at 115, just smart enough to not need a dictionary to read the newspaper but not quite enough to know they’re being lied to.
I think it's ideological derangement, not stupidity.
Can we agree one the other or both
It's intellectual capitulation on one matter due to panic or duress caused by another matter. It presents as stupidity because we don't understand or refuse to acknowledge the unspoken other matter.