Excellent presentation ... interesting to note that FDA was alerted to problems with some of the batches but yet kept pushing to inject even these bad batches. Also, why would the DOJ request to not release the pharma safety data documents until after 79 years?

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How do you explain the complete shutdown of preventative treatment like Hydrochloriquine and Ivermectin?

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Let's also study the human propensity to deny conspiracies, even in the face of overwhelming evidence, such as:

Gain of function research, much of that in 36 labs in the Ukraine,

Twitter Files exposure of Biden Admin / Twitter collusion to censor dissenting arguments and inconvenient facts,

Pfizer / FDA documents that they requested in court to be hidden for 75 years.

Just a few glaring examples of undeniable facts and events that conspiracy deniers have gone to lengths to explain away as 'well, there's no such thing as conspiracies.'

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None of these require conspiracy theories. Those are just conspiracies, and I have been fighting them for three years. ‘Conspiracy theory’ is an idiom, like ‘basket case,’ and isn’t just the combination of the two words. Collective hysteria is filled with TRILLIONS of conspiracies, none which require a conspiracy theory to understand. Collective hysteria couldn’t lead to the seeming coordination of there weren’t all these, just as starlings can’t be coordinated in a flock without LOADS of little coordinating pairs and groups. Just no master planner. THAT’s the key. https://markchangizi.substack.com/p/if-your-idea-isnt-a-conspiracy-theory

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I also think it's inadequate to blame only the sociopaths at the top of the heap, ie Fauci, without also looking critically at the role of the paid mercenary foot soldiers and the go-along-to-get-along starlings, so that their whole flock ends up in coordinated movement, without omnipotent central planning. The flock or school of fish moves in coordination, and conspiracies can remain as such even when they grow too big to be centrally controlled.

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It can be flocks all the way down, and still filled with culpable individuals and groups. Culpability and evil at the societal level isn’t the same animal as everyday culpability and evil.

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I agree and I think that puts us both on the Desmet side of the Desmet - Breggin debate, specifically that one's getting caught up in the haze and zeitgeist of mass formation does not excuse inhumane acts committed while high on that drug.

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Dear Heavily Vaccinated,

I Have Never Felt So Smart

(And So Much Smarter)

Than Everyone Else Around Me

Since …………… Yesterday.

But In All Seriousness,

I Have Never Felt

So Rewarded Either.


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