Resist, but don’t let it grind you to dust
I get many communications from people struggling with the “Jab or Job” issue.
“Hello Mark, if a person has to get a vaccine to keep their job, can you point to a trustworthy source evaluating the relative risks? E.g., suggesting which vaccine Is lowest risk for someone in their 30s in good health. My preference is no vaccine, though both my wife and I are looking at potential unemployment in the near term. One option we’re considering is for me to get one to keep us solvent. I appreciate any info you can share on this. I’m heartbroken even having to consider this option. If you don’t have any info or time to respond, please accept a “thanks!” From me for the science moment videos you put out.”
Hey. I’m not really the guy to ask on vaccines. Out of my wheelhouse.
But, I do want to say that even within our resistance community the opposition to vaccination is becoming more heightened than necessary.
Yeah, no one should be forced. And no need for it if one has natural immunity.
But totalitarian forces like this often cannot be won. And we cannot all stand against it without being ground to dust.
Some have more backup options than others. There is no shame in eventually having to give in, although one can still argue locally or globally against the mandates.
On risks, they are small. They’re real. But small.
Even though small, when one forces the world to take it with little benefit in many cases it amounts to a crime against humanity. Each forced jab is a tiny crime, but it integrates to a huge level.
Anyway, I just don’t want folks to lose all sense of proportion. Sometimes we do things that are dumb and even a little unsafe because of stupid government red tape rules. Happens all the time. We don’t even notice most of them. This is just one more, and not worth getting obliterated over.
My family comes from Iran. My wife dealt with this stuff her whole life. She sees the similarities.
But she’s more practical about it than I am.
“You can’t fight it. The masses will just be the masses, and no need to die on the street for them.”
She’s lived it, I think there’s wisdom there. (Although in reality she is fighting it here, but more practically.)
I’m hoping we can still mayyybe change things before it’s too late, but it may be that we’re way past that.
We don’t really know the risks are small, even if the risks of adverse events in the short term are small. This is brand new tech and animal studies suggest longer term risks such as ADE as well as other immune dysfunction may arise for significant numbers of people. Also from animal studies, repeated exposure to the antigen (eg boosters) increases the risk of adverse event. It probably won’t kill you right away, but we are looking at unbounded downside risk here. It’s true that one needs proportion in one’s life, but it’s a mistake to underestimate the potential harms from these shots at both the individual and population level (eg immune escape).
Part of the problem (a large part) is that you aren't signing up for a one-and-done treatment. By complying, you've given your employer the green light to medicate you in perpetuity. Boost away! After complying, whatever potential vaccine exemption request you may have had just got flushed down the toilet.
Dr. Peter McCollough, Nov 8:
"With injection #1, injection #2, maybe the body can handle those ok, maybe there's not much of a problem to humans, but what about injections 3 and 4 and an ongoing basis? I can tell you as an internist, a cardiologist, an epidemiologist, one who has reviewed thousands of reports; it would be my projection that if we get on a chronic booster program on the current generation of vaccines that cause an unbridled, unchecked, uncontrolled production of the Wuhan spike protein in the human body, and this is done on any regular basis, that individuals who do take these injections will have a very high risk of chronic disease."
Start at 4:50:
Here's Robert Malone saying something in a similar vein:
You KNOW the forced boosters are coming next. Why should I not heed McCollough's warning? He seems like a credible source of information to me. We know beyond any doubt that the medical "expert" class doesn't know what they are doing. We know they don't acknowledge mistakes or change direction with new data. We know the bureaucracy would absolutely care less if we all died horribly tomorrow. We know they are in this too deep to ever save face and reverse course. Maybe you'll be fine on your endless experimental booster program, but it sounds to me like there is legitimate reason to believe the Pfizer subscription we are being forced into may itself grind us into dust.
If I have to downsize my house to stay out of the Pfizer booster experiments, so be it.