Between this and Alex Berenson's suit against Twitter maybe in a year or two (or decades as the Feds love to drag things out) we'll get back some of what we lost during the woke years regarding speech. Hopefully it won't be too long before woke is universally viewed as the latest of the vulgar 4 letter words, a derogatory term that no one is proud to labeled with.

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Apr 20, 2022Liked by Mark Changizi

Fight the power! Stick it to The Man!

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Mark - I get a site can not be reached err msg when hitting that link you provided for Uncover DC

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Private corproati0ons have been outsourcing labor for over a decade, now the US Federal Government is doing the same with censorship. If there is one thing the US Fed is good at its finding ways to circumvent those annoying and pesky Constituonal rights. They do it incrementally, in small reasonable sized steps so the public will accept it, until now. The Biden admin has kick into over drive a lot of the abuses and over reach the Federal government has been doing for decades and it's causing pushback. I wish you guys a victory but I don't have much faith in the Justice system for it to is both corrupt and staffed with to many spineless cowards in black robes. They aren't afraid of putting down a citizen who enters their court but they do appear to be afraid to challenge the government. Not all judges but far too many.

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