Concerning folks on Team Rationality that have remained anonymous, many have been bitterly attacking them for not coming out in person, where they would likely have more influence.
You don't know you've really arrived on their radar until some person, probably using a pseudonym, contacts you through one of your accounts and wants to know what you are doing to 'resist' and if you have 'guns.' I mean, WTAF?
Thank you for pointing this out. I was just in a debate with a Twitter follower about Dr.s Bridle, Alexander and Hodkinson. We follow each other, and are like-minded in many other respects. He made a disparaging comment about their reputations. Meanwhile, last year a fake site was created in Bridle's name with a mysterious IP address in New Zealand. Some sleuther had traced it to a health body in Canada. I'm not sure what happened, but this is the degree of nefarious intent we are up against. Dr. Bridle has been able to keep his job due to his worth to his University. He's forced to work remotely, but he has his job. I'm not in a medical profession, but my opinions on mandates clearly are in opposition to my colleges (including the one I work for and my regulatory college). Posting in my own name would achieve little. The best I can do is to promote students to think critically.
Regarding ‘costs and balances’, 100% agree.
Thank you for being unmasked in this whole affair.
anyone who thinks they're anonymous with the CIA/GCHQ alphabet squads is probably fooling themselves
You don't know you've really arrived on their radar until some person, probably using a pseudonym, contacts you through one of your accounts and wants to know what you are doing to 'resist' and if you have 'guns.' I mean, WTAF?
Thank you for pointing this out. I was just in a debate with a Twitter follower about Dr.s Bridle, Alexander and Hodkinson. We follow each other, and are like-minded in many other respects. He made a disparaging comment about their reputations. Meanwhile, last year a fake site was created in Bridle's name with a mysterious IP address in New Zealand. Some sleuther had traced it to a health body in Canada. I'm not sure what happened, but this is the degree of nefarious intent we are up against. Dr. Bridle has been able to keep his job due to his worth to his University. He's forced to work remotely, but he has his job. I'm not in a medical profession, but my opinions on mandates clearly are in opposition to my colleges (including the one I work for and my regulatory college). Posting in my own name would achieve little. The best I can do is to promote students to think critically.
Thanks for all you do, anonymous or not!!
Does anyone sell lashes in university commons ?. is there anyonelse into crypto sport betting? I just won!!! -
thank God for people like you, Dr. Mark! What would we do without you, your leadership, and your great 'takes' on these important topics.
That names and credentials are used as proxy in exchange for valid arguments is exactly why we are in this mess…