Standing by principles and protecting oneself from the suicidal machinations of a society gone mad brings more hardship than most can bear. It's why most stay in denial and comply, it's more comfortable in there.

My spouse and I also refuse to test much less be injected with an experimental therapy we know is dangerous. That's an invasion to privacy and indignity neither of us are willing to suffer. We know they are lies and won't participate, we won't give it our voice of consent.

I'm thankful to have a partner who sees what is unfolding around us with the same clarity as I. Even though we've lost income, missed out on many opportunities to be at fun gatherings with friends and new friends to be made, even though we sometimes have had to pay a bit more for other opportunities further away where businesses and event organizers respect our privacy it's all been worth it. And if we haven't buckled under by now we never will. I can't for the life of me understand why anyone else who has held out would buckle under.

I'm pretty sure the battle lines are drawn. Which means that when (not if) authorities try to push it more aggressively again they'll probably be even more heavy-handed. And we are preparing for that. Others in the same position should be preparing for that. And taking this opportunity where the medical tyranny has eased up a little to build allies in community who will have our backs next time around and help us stand up to the bullies. Because they are coming back for us, no one should be under any illusion about that. They're just planning their next assault now. A more forceful one.

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Make no mistake they are going to do this again. Because no one has ben held accountable for what hose in power did they will do it again because they know they will get away with whatever they try so why not do it again? At worst they walk away with another rounds of $$$ and some more power even if its temporary power because in that time they can monetize that power, sell it off to the highest bidder. Hey Walmart, do you want us to lock down for another year and finish killing of your competition what little is left?

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Once upon a time, progressives were very keen that medical information be private, until the Current Thing required it to be public.

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Progressives used to hate Pig Pharma and their profiteering. Cross another ‘used to’ off of their list!

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Congratulations, a true American hero. So ironic that these people don’t see this as Nazi Germany 2.0. Automatons who have done no research. Victims of Big Pharma propaganda. I could go on for hours...

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Hang in there! We unclean are out here with you and know how irritating such things can be. How is it that those Conde Nast employees get through the day without making sure that EVERYBODY around them is vaxxed and boosted?!?!

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Happened to my husband and me just recently. Invitation to a Red Wings open house event at Little Caesars Arena where the unclean were not allowed in. My husband was expected to screen his guests in advance I guess. Total invasion of privacy.

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Mass Formation Psychosis is real, Yo.

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At this point WIRED magazine is lying about their reason to keep everyone safe. Its been established and admitted that 2 or more jabs increases ones risk to get covid so NO they are not requiring you to be vaxxed to keep everyone safe. What we are seeing is an example of normalized human behavior.

Once you've conditioned people to something it's easy to keep them doing it even after it's known that what they are doing is harmful. When was the last time you saw a warning sign about social distancing or masking removed? Once they go up they stay up until they fall off from age. Had the mandates ended after 14 days the signs would have come down but once a threshold was crossed when people became accustom to them they remain. I even took the ones down from the fridge/walls in the kitchen where I work and within a few days HR had erected new ones. I also printed out and placed on the table several copies of information about the vaccine, it's dangers/hazards and someone from HR tossed them in the trash and I know that only because my office is adjacent to the kitchen so I'm in there a lot and know who comes and leaves.

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We have become misinformation whistleblowers and the oligarchs really do not like this - we're attacking the masses with facts and real science, not fiction that they toss out. The masses are slowly coming to realize this as they watch their friends and loved ones die/suffer from the jabs.

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Mark - if when viewing those 2 lines shown in your Ted talk, I see them has straight and not curved is that a bad thing Does it mean my vision is damaged? I can make them look curved kind of like how when focusing on an image you can change what you see (ie the old versus young woman image) but at initial glance they appeared straight to me. NOTE I do wear prescription glasses for seeing distances but up close I don't need glasses

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Nov 15, 2022
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I did not. Figured if there was any flexibility, they would email back.

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