This idea that because Twitter is a private company they can do whatever is BS. No private business can do as it pleases. Imagine if your power company or water utility could ban your account with them because if something you shated online. These social media platfor6entire business is built in and %100 dependent on a tax payer funded internet. Section 230 I the communications act should allow an entire to either regulate its content and be liable for what's posted or not regulate it beyond removal of anything that is illegal like child porn and not be liable but certainly not both and thats what Twitter, Face6and all are doing, operating as both.
Mark, that tweet from June 1st about being OK with closing businesses but with Twitters censorship it's because much private company, who are you speaking to? The tweet is not a reply and there are no mentions in it so who is the recipient of that question?
Lol on the last part. See my video on the libertarian issue. One of the first things we would do in a libertarian society is create a public accommodations contract. Why shouldn’t we be able to now? Companies can opt out by becoming private clubs.
"Leaving" (to an equivalent product) would require a true market, a market with competitive options. We don't live in true capitalism, we live in an oligarchy, where the few control all.
You can check in any time you like, but you can never leave.
This idea that because Twitter is a private company they can do whatever is BS. No private business can do as it pleases. Imagine if your power company or water utility could ban your account with them because if something you shated online. These social media platfor6entire business is built in and %100 dependent on a tax payer funded internet. Section 230 I the communications act should allow an entire to either regulate its content and be liable for what's posted or not regulate it beyond removal of anything that is illegal like child porn and not be liable but certainly not both and thats what Twitter, Face6and all are doing, operating as both.
Mark, that tweet from June 1st about being OK with closing businesses but with Twitters censorship it's because much private company, who are you speaking to? The tweet is not a reply and there are no mentions in it so who is the recipient of that question?
That’s directed at the many pro-Lockdown people who suddenly foubd themselves respecting private businesses
Lol on the last part. See my video on the libertarian issue. One of the first things we would do in a libertarian society is create a public accommodations contract. Why shouldn’t we be able to now? Companies can opt out by becoming private clubs.
"Leaving" (to an equivalent product) would require a true market, a market with competitive options. We don't live in true capitalism, we live in an oligarchy, where the few control all.
You can check in any time you like, but you can never leave.