Matt Walsh, Ian Miles Cheong, Michael Shellenberger and so many anti-lockdown “leaders” were themselves fanning the hysteria for lockdowns and masks
Do we really want them as our leaders?
Who are the big Twitter “intellectuals” now on Team Reality but who, in early 2020, argued in panic for lockdowns and/or masks, and never were held to account for that?
There are so many, but just a few off the cuff…
Matt Walsh:
Michael Shellenberger:
Ian Miles Cheong:
Others include Cernovich…
…and James Melville.
These folks missed the mark at the most important moment in their lives.
They failed when the big moment happened, and yet folks still flock to hear their opinion.
Expunging the history of one’s unethical or mistaken viewpoints is not how we move toward a better world.
We can be forgiving, but that does not mean forgetting, much less ignoring.
They need to be honest, apologize, be forgiven, and then redeem themselves (that is, overcome the consequent loss of reputation). I don’t see these steps. I just see them stepping into leading us despite having been part of the problem.
People CAN be forgiven. And they can overcome their mistakes. But they can’t move forward without a hit to their reputation as if it never happened. Free expression works BECAUSE when people express themselves, they put reputation at stake. See our new book, EXPRESSLY HUMAN.
I’d prefer that our leaders getting us out of this mess weren’t the ones that not only got us into it, but hid the fact that they did.
So, we have loads of “leaders” today trying to “help” us understand what happened in March 2020 that we ended up with civil rights violations en masse, devastated economies, and epic prejudice against the unvaccinated, and they themselves were significant parts of the cause.
But they still lead us, with almost no one realizing that they in fact were key parts of the problem. They had disproportionate voices then, and irresponsibly fanned the flames of hysteria.
That makes them culpable. More so the more they had a voice.
Feel free to enter the conversation, and point out others in this category, at this Twitter thread…
Yes indeed, there were a few of us who stayed with actual non politicised science from the outset. NO to:
-Mask mandates
-Covid zero
YES to:
-Civil liberties
-Bodily autonomy
-Free speech.
For your list to be beautifully honest... you should indicate which ones have renounced their past folly, and which ones have not. Honestly, I only just started following James Melville.
What people say three years late is not nothing,
What people said at the outset is the most important.
Communities, Mark. They destroyed our communities - family, church, neighborhoods.
The divisions are real and dire.
I lost much of my family because I would not bend.