Very good Mark thanks. I've started to take this tack of holding my local public leaders to account. To my non-surprise most people here in Ni aren't even aware that currently the health minister has emergency powers until March to shut down sectors society as he sees fit without even investigating impacts, much less presenting them for democratic process. His twitter includes #StopCovidNI in his name! Something which can never actually be achieved, thus providing evidence that he is indeed hysterically detached from the reality of respiratory pathogens and his own responsibility.

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Dec 19, 2021·edited Dec 19, 2021

Remember that two things can simultaneously be true. That there are bad actors with superior knowledge of human psychology and control of mass media, AND that people are also caught up in a mass hysteria and follow their orders, are both likely true.

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Sorry just a further thought - this could of course be my own bias now I'm looking for it, but the most clipped part of the recent McCullough interview on JRE seems to be the part where they talk about the plandemic. I.e. team reality really seem to pick up that, focus in on that, the conspiracy aspect.

The parts I found most interesting were when he said "this is a giant game of chicken", and when Joe asked him had anyone confronted him, he said he had experiencing sniping, but no out and out confrontation. To me that speaks volumes.

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