Your regular reminder that at the start of Covid doctors were recommending using invasive ventilation rather than “high-flow nasal oxygen or noninvasive ventilation due to risk of dispersion of aerosolized virus.”
One of the motivations for this was to keep the patients from spreading the virus to doctors/nurses. For those who died from the ventilators, this was negligent homicide at best.
We Are In The Midst
Of A Chemistry Contest:
Natural Immunity
Spoiler Alert: Bet The Reigning Champion.
A principle abandoned reveals it to only ever have been a vanity.
What a great line! Stealing it...
You're welcome.
You are not in front of anything. You have no “charge”. Everything is reactive and derivative.
Bottom Line:
You Are The “Before There Was A Vaccine” Guy.
& The “Here’s Where It Got Fucked Up” Guy.
Un fuck it. Yours needs to be a campaign:
1. Declare Victory REPEATEDLY For Natural Immunity ... All Else Follows.
2. Re-Write The Testing/Trial Protocols. That Is Your Vehicle. It Undoes The Past. And It Blazes The Trail To A Better Future.
I have never been more right. Sir.
Dr. Malone,
Declare Victory For Natural Immunity.
Your Reluctance Is What’s Killing You Inside.
It’s Not That I’m Anti-Vax.
It’s Just That I Am In The Middle Of
A Rock ... Scissors ... Paper
Challenge With Robert Malone
To The Count Of 17 Trillion Billion Zillion.
One of the motivations for this was to keep the patients from spreading the virus to doctors/nurses. For those who died from the ventilators, this was negligent homicide at best.