To get to your central point up front, yes, censorship and unlawful destruction of property, symbolic, is wrong, and hypocrisy by those who've been upset about the censorship they've faced and the symbols destroyed by others with different views.

That said, I found your presentation of your central point to be burdened by the distraction of assumptions you've asserted as fact as to the intentions and motivations of those who both built the Guidestones an whoever destroyed them. Those assumptions are highly disputed. And while these sources linked below aren't considered authoritative, could be viewed as conspiratorial, the claims made contain facts that are researched and sourced for validation.

If they are considered "hippie" based on some of the higher aspirations engraved in them they are hippie from both left- and right-aligned authoritarianism. Fascism and Communism. The National Socialists of Germany, Hitler and his senior leadership had a fascination with the occult and engaged in many occult ceremonies. One could consider German Nazi's "hippies" for their practice of free love sexual deviancy, and other Gaia-worshipping, as much as one could consider hippies in the US Communists for their Marxist coffee shop poetry and culture, advocacy of the 1960's-1970's and into today. The Georgia Guidestones are an example of where right- and left-aligned authoritarianism meets.

So with that backdrop as to the nature of their origin and purpose the attack on them could plausibly have been from the left, Anti-Fascists, or right, anti-Marxists. And conceding the right, anti-NWO has been more vocal about the GG, one cannot be certain enough of the true motivations behind their destruction to assign blame. Doing so distracted from your message.


"The Guidestones are no mystery for those who care to delve deep.

The Guidestones and their message was conceived by three eugenists friends using David Rockefeller money.

The three were; William Gates (father of Bill Gates), William Shockley (Nobel Proze winner and creator of the microprocessor) and Australian Nobel Virologist Sir Macfarlane Burnet, who was behind the CRISPR technology research that manipulated the Wuhan virus and the so called mRNA vaccines bioweapons. All three men were members of the London Eugenics Society, now known as the Guaultin Institute as the term eugenics is out of favour."

Other presentations of origin theories:




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They're killing us. Someone crashed a lame monument. Not the same. Good riddance to the stones and don't forget we have no idea the who what or why of these things.

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