Its not hard to see why many would believe this was all planned. I like to think of it as more of an opportunity. As Ex Chicago Mayor and former Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel would say, never let a crisis go to waste. When your an elected official with delusions of power and wealth a crisis like a pandemic is pure gold, the right opportunity to do things you otherwise could not do and get away with it.

The US Federal Government has an established history of using crisis's to justify a number of over reaching and abusive actions. Prohibition was supported because it was sold as the solution to a crisis of public morality. Eugenics sold as the solution to a crisis of the undesirables.

We're just lucky that most failed with covid. No doubt most if not all made some quick $$. However the real goals of implementing a nation wide checkpoint/tracking system (i.e. the vaccine passport) and getting the precedent that during a public health emergency they can mandate drugging of the public failed to come to pass.

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Yet. Failed to come to pass yet.

Dry run? Beta test? There's a lot of Benjamin's invested in that type of system. Including a lot of Warren Buffet's. He's a pretty good investor:


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Yes they failed to implement it nationally. They got it in a few cities but that's it and without constant promotion and reinforcement it will be difficult to keep those cities using it. As for the mandated vaccine precedent, that completely backfired. Not only did they lose mandate case after mandate case they finally announced today that the Feds are ending all vaccine mandates. They'll still never admit the vaccine was useless, even dangerous but they are dropping teh mandates because they keep loosing on the legal front.

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So far. You look in the past. There's a big, wide world of future opportunities. A whole lot of expensive infrastructure for it was built since 2020 and is still being built. All that Warren Buffet and other's money hasn't stopped flowing in to those companies listed in the article. What do you think are the odds he's just throwing good money after bad now? And today there's a population more conditioned to accept such a system than there was in 2019. But, nah, you're probably right. They failed to implement by 2023, so they're done! And hey, with this inflation burning billions of dollars of money isn't a big deal to these guys, they don't much need it or care!

For me, I tend to follow the money. It leads me to agendas and centers of power better than any other data points.

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I never said they are done only that they failed to get it done within the guise of the covid pandemic. Damn straight they are going to try it again and the next time it's going to be something far nastier than covid.

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It is only obvious for those who look.


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We all might do well to run through a few rabbit holes and get devils in the details out in the open. Charles Lieber's classified and unclassified work. Honey and Barry Sherman's life and deaths. Brooke Jackson's experience. Brandy Vaughan's life and death. This list is longer than we all care to admit.

Consider a NSW Premier forced to resign while Reuters and friends cover up for her.


Just the pharma cash flow involved must make us think. If pharma is profiting hundreds of billions, what is a few hundred million in bribes to decision makers. Or how much does it cost to send in blackmail players and or suiciders to convince unwilling decision makers. Hence we have such a long list of public decision makers saying and doing such things that only a person with a gun to their head and kilograms of powder up their nose would be saying and doing.

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This line of thought only works when failing or refusing to factor in corruption. It is glaringly obvious to those who follow proven facts of corrupt individuals and institutions.. The patterns are more than glaring. They are simple and clear.

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"Epstein didn't kill himself?"

Lots of conspiracy talk around his sudden demise while in federal custody in 2019 that made the news recently with the Wall Street Journal's weekend story about his calendar being released.

Like any good conspiracy sleuth would do, I poked around at some of the names singled out in the WSJ piece and found a very interesting one:

Martin Nowak.

I never heard of him before, but he's kind of a big deal in research about a lot of subjects that have an overlap to the pandemic. So I went down that rabbit hole. As any curious fox would do. I looked out for information that might support a narrative that I've invested a lot of researching in developing. Finding a lot of interesting pieces that weave together a very interesting pattern, and, as you might guess, supports a narrative I'm intellectually invested in.

I found it interesting in that one of his areas of expertise is virus research (Corona?):

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Nowak (apologies on sourcing wiki, but for a quick snapshot of patterns and links to more credible sources it can be very useful)

"Nowak has authored books and scientific papers on topics in evolutionary game theory, cancer, viruses, infectious disease, the evolution of language, and the evolution of cooperation. His first book, Virus Dynamics."

Including into HIV/AIDS (Fauci?):


Social and Behavioral Sciences (Applied psychological propaganda for manipulative and coercive social control, pandemic NPI?)


And a body of work that includes research useful for eugenics and transhumanism?:




(many other applicable works listed under wiki entry)

Which reaches into how money corrupts science (as in, "I am science" and "follow the science") and reveals Epstein's professorship in psychology - at Harvard no less - without formal training (pandemic behaviorism?):


This rabbit hole ponders Epstein's background that might have a connection to the 2020 pandemic, response, and a possible leak that needed to be plugged? If one was so inspired by "conspiracy theories" and such pursuits?

And within Nowak's expertise are subjects that seem to be very useful if one is trying to learn how to influence and possibly control massively complex systems comprised of the most complicated animal in the known universe...by someone who is uniquely steeped in complex emergent phenomena and the suites of human fallacies.

Along with Chomsky's manufacturing consent research, Mr. Nowak's expertise does have a nexus if pandemics could be used to fundamentally change a free society to a totalitarian one:


Using infectious disease as was done in China under Mao:


Which, happens:


"Epstein didn't kill himself." A conspiracy theory. That meets up with another conspiracy theory. Who knows? But it is curious. And Foxes are very curious creatures. Known to chase rabbits down holes.

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That’s just sleuthing and research. Not conspiracy theorizing at all.

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I guess it's where I take the sleuthing and research that determines if it's conspiracy theorizing!

Given his published works and studies excerpted here and in the wiki link would my suggestion that he's done a lot of work in areas that would be very useful if one is trying to learn how to influence and possibly control massively complex systems comprised of the most complicated animal in the known universe? By someone who is uniquely steeped in complex emergent phenomena and the suites of human fallacies? A whole lot of mathematics are mixed in with his infectious disease, group psychology and human cooperation, language expertise. Which I suspect would be prerequisites to those conspiratorial ends? What say you?

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Ah, no real answer on the details of Martin Novak. My opinion is that he became hot in the 2000s for bullshit modeling on practically anything, because it was mostly or entirely bullshit. Not a theorist in the sense I mean it, like… analytical.

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I link to a story on my Stack that pulls from this study out of China about intentionally using infectious disease to transform a society:

Rural Health Care Delivery

The Patriotic Hygiene Campaign and the Construction of Clean New People

Springer, 2013


('Get' .pdf download)

That contains section and chapter titles like:

5.3 Discipline Imposed by Hygiene

9.4 “To Combine Health Campaigns with Mass Movements”

11 The Patriotic Hygiene Campaign and the Construction of Clean New People

13.2 “The Higher the Education Level One Has, the Sillier He Is” [TRUE!!]

17.3 From “the Benevolent Medicine” to the “Formula for Money-Making” [TRUE!!]

19 A Public Country and Its Expansion [i.e. collectivist authoritarianism]

20 The Logic of Disease Politics

It's a very interesting read. And if one *were* interested in planning a pandemic to transform a society it would seem to be a useful template if it's captured the history of China's transformation properly. Or it could be just propaganda. It does come from a CCP university. And many parts of it are filled with the people's revolution admiration and anti-American sentiment.

Yet...my takeaway from it as I share on my stack is:

"the operation was considered a true success when it moved away from the earlier heavy-handed disciplinary state police force to when the propaganda process had created conditions where people *wanted* to obey and do their part as good citizens without needing to be disciplined externally, called "internal discipline." Using infectious disease as the doorway to reframe the role of collective governance over individual concerns in the people's ("national's") minds."


If you're curious enough to go down that rabbit hole...

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I discovered this study out of China while I was reading some of the early information about the pandemic from around the time that all of the prior pandemic planning and research that had been developed in the US and world prior to 2020 had been scuttled, including the pandemic response practice protocols you're familiar with from Event 201 in October, 2019.

Foreign Affairs is a international affairs publication supported by and intended for the globalist audience, those who believe in one-world governance, varieties found both on the left and right. It is a highly influential publication in those circles.

This FA article linked to the Rural Health Care Delivery study I share on my main comment, is where I discovered it. I go down rabbit holes like this in a lot of the information I take in, never knowing what can be discovered down them. Going back to the FA article now it foretells what happened to those pre-2020 pandemic plans and why they were scuttled. Just because the pandemic protocols didn't go as the Event 201 practiced and laid out doesn't mean that there wasn't an intentional design that ended up being followed, prompting the name, "Plandemic" to first be coined. Understanding the stature of Foreign Affairs within the very same powers and authorities that introduced pandemic protocols that went against all previous plans and guides doesn't mean it was just a panicked and undirected evolution of events in a "fog of war" atmosphere. I introduce this piece as evidence of a considered and coordinated assault on western liberal democratic norms under pretense of a pandemic; they wanted the west to be more like CCP China:

Past Pandemics Exposed China’s Weaknesses

The Current One Highlights Its Strengths

Foreign Affairs, March 27, 2020


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Another very influential publication relied upon by the most powerful leaders around the world is Health Affairs. HA is a global behavioral health policy publication. Note in the "About" section that Chief Justice Roberts relies upon HA to decide public health policy, as he did for his Obamacare ruling:


And note that the same behavioral science publication called for masks, even though they knew that masks failed badly during the Spanish Flu, *because* they were powerful symbols for the collective to show they cared: https://www.healthaffairs.org/do/10.1377/forefront.20200508.769108/full/

Ignoring the fact that symbols are inherently divisive. Think: athletic team mascots. Divisive. Us v Them.

Foreign Affairs. Health Affairs. All of these types of publications we imagine are just written by a bunch of egghead policy wonks safely hidden away in academia and think tanks for other egghead academics is dangerously naive. As evidenced by the pandemic protocols that ended up being adopted as FA suggested, over the rotting corpse of all previous pandemic plans they murdered in March, 2020. As evidenced by Justice Roberts acknowledging HA gave him the basis to uphold Obamacare, though it clearly went against all of his previously stated constitutionalist jurisprudence values. Which he contorted his previous logic into pretzels any Olympic gymnast would envy.

They tell us what they are doing. All paths lead to collectivist authoritarianism. Only restrained by their inability to manufacture sufficient consent to bring us to an end place they desire. Vast global conspiracy? A lot of evidence suggests it. If you read their own words. Like Germans would've been well-advised to read and heed the warnings in Mein Kampf. We ignore and dismiss their own words at our own peril.

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Well, Behavioral Science is BS!

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It CAN be!

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