I agree. I believe it comes down to people fear death way too much, and people have less faith than they used to.

People, in general, didn't have faith in their immune systems, didn't have faith in doctors being able to treat everyone (media did feed that pushing overcrowded hospital messages), they don't have faith in humanity, they don't have faith in themselves or a faith in God. Having faith in just one of those things would have led to so much less fear because fear is a lack of faith that things will turn out alright eventually.

We had people who actually thought they could get to 100% vaccination rates (or really close to it) because of their lack of faith everywhere else they turned the vaccine into an idol, thinking it would save us all. We had people who thought we could get to 0 COVID deaths, as if old people weren't going to die any longer. Of course some of their deaths would be from COVID. It doesn't mean COVID was horrible, just means that was the one disease getting past the immune system.

People have horrible cost-benefit analysis skills. They thought that a lockdown was worth it because they couldn't see all of the things that would go wrong (food supply shortages, children being abused, suicides skyrocketing, etc). People projected their fears onto other people so the hypochondriacs thought everyone was afraid as they were and couldn't see why people would want to risk being exposed.

If I had any way to teach this to the world, I would focus on increasing people's acceptance of death (not to be terrified of it), promote cost-benefit skills, remind people that others are willing to risk things they won't and should be allowed to do so, and try to build up people's faith in doctors and themselves and their immune system. Good messaging on that might have helped a lot.

People had no faith that doctors could come up with early treatments (instead they waited for the vaccine), and it is wrong that the scientific community and news tried to say those treatments like Ivermectin should be feared. They also downplayed or rejected Vitamin D and Zinc suggestions.

If people felt like they had some control and could DO something themselves, personally, they wouldn't have been so afraid. If they could take vitamins, minerals, exercise, etc, they wouldn't have feared what other people were doing nearly as much or at all.

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Maybe they didn’t purposely engineer the mass hysteria, but they did purposely engineer the polices out in place at the behest of those hoping the lockdowns would enable a new “world order” borrowing as much from the Chinese model as they thought the Western populace could stomach, with billionaires and the “experts” in their massive orbits driving the policies: https://michaelpsenger.substack.com/p/the-dragnet-in-lombardy-italy-patient

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The policies then seems great to the upper class leftists in tech, media, and academia and the great unwashed masses couldn’t bring themselves to believe this consensus among their leaders could

possibly be misguided, let alone misanthropic in service of a broader political agenda to advance Marxist ideas after the failure of the Soviet experiment. There are some (a large percent) people who just aren’t that educated, are of the personality type that is naturally fearful and externally motivated. My neighbors, for example, had always been nervous about new ideas or even scary roller coasters, but we’re good people who are still wearing masks and forcing their children to wear masks while driving in their own cars and home. They advocated on school board Zoom calls for schools to remain closed, forever if necessary, all while the father was making larger commissions selling software to the very same school district. We simply had to move away after 20 years there because the critical mass of people in that West coast city whether in government, big tech, or retail clerk jobs all went along. There is more than a modest share of culpability among these elites-they did this on purpose.

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There is also culpability among the unwashed masses for going along with it. I fear the stupid people more than the evil ones.

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Lones wolves are quite rare in society. The vast majority of humans are captured by church/party. Those of us who are lone wolves don't fit into any part of society and lead very different lives than the sheeple.

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I understand you are trying to take a measured interpretation, Mark, but you seem to be ignoring the glaring neon lights that governments did not even bother to try and hide, such as the UK’s Behavioural Insights Team (BIT) intentionally crafting a fear campaign and the July 2020 Yale University study conducted to determine the most effective messaging for manipulating people’s emotions, among hundreds of other hiding-in-plain-sight examples of globally orchestrated consent engineering:

• “A State of Fear: How the UK Government Weaponised Fear During the Covid-19 Pandemic” by Laura Dodsworth

• “Emotional Manipulation in the Vaccine Messaging” (https://meredithmiller.substack.com/p/emotional-manipulation-in-the-vaccine)

The behavioral psychologists have deployed Bernaysian/Pavlovian techniques crafted after a century’s worth of experimentation. They know exactly how to manipulate the manipulable public and have a captured media and Big Tech happy to implement their programming on a global scale.

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That was all irresponsible and evil behavior AFTER the mass hysteria was well under way. They were part of the new righteous Safety Cult, doing “good”. THAT’S societal level evil. Not purposely initiating mass hysteria.

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I appreciate your taking the time to respond, Mark. How about all of the talk about “flooding the zone” during Event 201 (October 2019) and the need to coordinate tightly controlled messaging with the aid of Big Tech and Big Media censorship?

And none of this is new. Bernays literally wrote the book on how to engineer consent via propaganda and orchestrated events designed to induce specific psychological reactions and drive consumption/action/votes/behavior, and the art of manipulation through mass communication has only become more sophisticated since then.

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Principles of PR, propaganda and persuasion have been long known. Also well known are that their ability to reliably do it is non-existent. There is a well understood mathematical distribution for how viral or influencing ideas are, and the highly viral cases are super super rare.

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Don’t you think the last 2+ years demonstrates their extraordinary success at weaponization of people’s amygdala; fears of contagion/illness/death; desires for belonging; and susceptibility to groupthink/peer pressure, among numerous other tools of menticide (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-menticided-a-12-step)?

Look at the exceptionally well-controlled, coordinated global messaging that occurred from the outset—you really think that was not being intentionally formulated to drive certain psychological reactions and behavioral outcomes, especially when we have extensive documentation that governments were using behavioral psychologists to do just that?

I’m not saying the methods of mass control outlined by Meerloo, Le Bon, Desmet, Bernays, et al have a 100-percent success rate. I am saying the COVIDcrisis was intentionally engineered through a highly sophisticated propaganda campaign (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-primer-for-the-propagandized) to play on fear, rage, anxiety, and other psychological vulnerabilities that had already been seeded in the preceding years, and there was a perfect storm of variables that had converged to produce the mass hysteria they needed to justify the imposition of totalitarian measures.

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Seeming coordination is what we expect with collective hysteria.


It’s the ONLY way to get an entire network in unison overnight like that.

Once it gets going, forces everywhere act in unison to “help.” Including trying to spread the “helpful message.”

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Interesting video, thanks, Mark. So is your proposition that the mass hysteria surrounding COVID erupted spontaneously out of nowhere? And that the mono-messaging being pumped out by the media was driven by that hysteria rather than being orchestrated to fuel it?

And if so, why was the messaging around COVID different from every past instance of respiratory infection, illness, etc. and in contradiction of previously established guidelines such as that formulated by the WHO for respiratory illnesses/influenza in 2019? And why did they not attempt to calm the public like all past responsible governments instead of fanning the flames of panic? And why were people who were not exposed to media/propaganda completely unaffected by the mass hysteria?

The media/Big Tech is the mechanism of viralization, and global mass hysteria could never have occurred without the coordinated messaging they admitted to crafting in advance of the manufactured crisis.

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There are three forces at play:

-Capitalism/the Medical Industrial Complex

-Populism based on fear-mongering (the left doesn't admit it also partakes)

-Policy (governments, WEF, NATO, NAFTA, etc)

I think our analytical problem comes from our inability to distinguish between these forces.

In an ideal democracy, governments were to empower "the people" against royalty/aristocracy. In our democracy, governments play a shill game between royalty (see Forbes list of billionaires) and the population.

The "people" do not have "agency". This is demonstrated by the very small percentage of lone wolves in our society. The vast majority of people are captured by their church/party.

Corporations do not drive profit through sheer luck and "empowered" consumers. Corporations drive profit through marketing. Desires and consumerism are social constructs, constructed by corporations to drive their profits. Very few humans are immune to these forces, and we don't usually have any say in public.

Today, governments serve only corporate/billionaire interests, because in the end, money is always, and will always be, the greatest driver.

Lockdowns/restrictions are capitalistic. They enrich millionaires and billionaires, while the rest of society struggled.


Progressive media serve Capital, but with woke marketing, happily ever after. Conservative media serve Capital, but with "anyone can/should get rich" marketing, happily ever after. Media creates the fear narrative (for profit) and the sheeple, the vast majority of society, drink the Koolaid, whatever it is. The funny part is the first community to use the expression of "drinking the Koolaid" are now the most captured by the Medical Industrial Complex's Koolaid.

So... "engineered" ?

Everything is "engineered", for profit and power.

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sure, but it's not exhaustive of all root cause either, someone 'could' have had motive (who, did they?)

what was the driver behind event 201? the coincidence is most unfortunate

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The "holomodor" is a lie. There was a famine but it was due to crop diseases and bad weather. It was not confined to Ukraine. It coincided with the drive for collectivization of Soviet agriculture but famine was as old as Russia. There has been none since due to natural causes.

The Nazi invasion led to millions of deaths due to starvation but that's ok since it can't be blamed on Communists.

As for the Great Leap Forward, in what way did that amount to a deliberate campaign of starvation? What objective was to be served? Some factual analysis would help.

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