Zero Covid deaths for two years in Scotland among 450,000 medical personnel, teachers, shop workers, or police officers
It's been Zero Covid all along!
Following up on his earlier FOI request concerning the total number of Covid deaths among Scottish medical personnel — none among 150,000 — concerned citizen David Tait did an FOI on Covid deaths among a broader class of 300,000 workers, this time concerning teachers, retail workers (shop workers), and police officers.
What did the government reveal?
Zero, again. “There have been no such deaths recorded for any of these categories of people aged 20-64 who were not retired.” (But lots of non-Covid deaths happened. The usual stuff.)
These were not your laptop class workers. These were those socially interacting each day among the population, within which a supposedly deadly virus was circulating.
Now, we have actually known since March of 2020 that Covid’s IFR was low. In those days, the Center for Evidence Based Medicine at Oxford estimated it to be, overall, around 0.3%. Over time, that got lower and lower, and it was always known that it varies over many orders of magnitude as a function of age.
And, here’s the rough comparison with flu (and with hippo attacks, which I rounded up to 100%).
But these Scottish numbers suggest an IFR that’s even lower still.
For the working age demographic of 20-64, among 450,000 people, and zero deaths, even without knowing how many were infected we can amazingly still calculate that the IFR is approximately…
Zero Covid, indeed!
Now, if 450,000 working age people at greatest risk of catching Covid suffered zero deaths, one has to wonder what all those excess deaths were due to, especially among the non-retired demographics.
Here’s a very long thread on what I call “hysteria deaths.” That is, deaths due to the changes to medical and societal practice due to collective hysteria.
Some of us knew from the start that barely anyone was dying of this supposed plague. Those poor souls sent into hospitals died from the treatment they received. Had they been treated for influenza or pneumonia it's probable some of them would have survived (bearing in mind they were generally very old, very ill, very full of co-morbidities). It was obvious that covid wasn't a danger - none of the supermarkets shut down and nobody died. Nobody knows any shop worker who died unless it was someone who was already dying of something else.
Hippos though - very deadly. All you can do is hope not to bump into one in the supermarket (I hear they are partial to a chocolate biscuit so maybe avoid the biscuit aisle).
I Like Yelling COVID !
In A Crowded Movie Theater.