Until recently I would have agreed, that the would be worked conquerors of film and fiction are in real life nothing like what is presented in fiction and then the World Economic Forums Klaus Schwab started to run his mouth off about how we need to use covid as an opportunity for a global reset, to push the idea of stakeholder Capitalism, all the same lies and BS and the non-Bond-ish villain's of our world where saying. This guy is so in your face; the only thing he's lacking is being in a wheelchair with a pet White cat. You have to realize that this is the elites making jest of the useless eaters inability to see what's in front of them even when you dress it up so its like in film.
Until recently I would have agreed, that the would be worked conquerors of film and fiction are in real life nothing like what is presented in fiction and then the World Economic Forums Klaus Schwab started to run his mouth off about how we need to use covid as an opportunity for a global reset, to push the idea of stakeholder Capitalism, all the same lies and BS and the non-Bond-ish villain's of our world where saying. This guy is so in your face; the only thing he's lacking is being in a wheelchair with a pet White cat. You have to realize that this is the elites making jest of the useless eaters inability to see what's in front of them even when you dress it up so its like in film.
And The Medical Doctors Mentally Dicombobulate:
Don’t Worry Doctors.
Medical Schools Are Not The Only Insane Asylums
That Grant Degrees.
Most Prisons Offer GED’s.
It’s Just That With Prisons
You Have A Penal System
Where Your Debt Is Already Paid.