“Why would Elon Musk spend $43 billion to save free expression rather than spend it on hunger?”
“Why would Elon Musk spend $43 billion to save free expression rather than spend it on hunger?” shows how little they grasp the importance of free expression for freedom and prosperity.
Find my Science Moment series on censorship-free Odysee, where I have 50 plus episodes on free expression.
Because spending 43 billion on Free Speech is a better log term investment than using that to try and end world hunger, I say try because we'll never end world hunger. At best we can hope to minimize it to as realistic a level as possible. Someone somewhere is always going to starve because the world is cruel/harsh. Free Speech ensures the foundation for what is necessary to ensure the best possible type of world where attempts to minimize world hunger are allowed to happen.
The supporters among the Woke/Authoritarian Left falsely believe that once their people are in control, the Democrat party, they will bring about the collectivist equitable, diverse & inclusive utopia that those pushing for a return to a collectivist form of governance have been selling to naïve young people for generations.