Weak rulers make hard rules the people must follow. Authoritarianism.
Strong leaders ask the people to follow his lead. Democracies.
The former demand obedience using threats, the people do not trust them and must be forced to obey; they know instinctively the rules are in the ruler’s best interests, not the people’s.
The latter is trusted by the people he leads and follow him willingly; they know instinctively the leader’s ask is in the best interest of all.
Which is why authoritarian governments are inherently weak. They are led by weak people. Who know they are weak. Who resort to brute force to impose their will on the people they govern.
Free people must be governed by strong leaders. Courageous leaders. Who earn the trust of the people they govern with demonstrations of courage. It's an instinctual phenomenon which can’t be faked.
Free people who become subjects to authoritarian regimes suffer from weak leadership. That overcompensates with bullying tactics and shows of force. Related to "Napoleon complex," those with short stature who become tyrants applies to all of the weak pretenders who ascend to a throne. Authoritarian regimes, like the CCP, are the governing models that provide refuge and privilege for the weak who seek to rule others. A system that allows cowards to tower over men of real strength and courage. Cowards who live in delusions of their own strength, fantasies. There's a reason that Hollywood and authoritarian politicians go together, both actors and politicians are only powerful in fictional imaginings of self.
Authoritarians are weak. Never forget it. They don’t. Those asserting authoritarianism is courageous leadership invert reality of the natural world. Because they are weak. Because they are cowards. Because they lack courage and strength. And must try to convince those they seek to dominate that their inverted reality, their fiction is true. Which is why they ultimately fail.
Authoritarian power is based in lies that cannot withstand the natural laws of the natural world. Which is why they often meet the coward's fate: Mussolini, Ceaușescu, Saddam, Gaddafi. All cowards.
The CCP is actually ruled by cowards, weak men who lack courage. Needing entire armies, secret police, propagandists and censors to hold onto power. But their ultimate fate is certain. The only uncertainty is how much death and destruction they end up being responsible for in their attempts at intimidation before they meet their tyrannical end. It's the natural order of things. God's law beats man's law. Always. The strong win. Not the weak.
Weak rulers make hard rules the people must follow. Authoritarianism.
Strong leaders ask the people to follow his lead. Democracies.
The former demand obedience using threats, the people do not trust them and must be forced to obey; they know instinctively the rules are in the ruler’s best interests, not the people’s.
The latter is trusted by the people he leads and follow him willingly; they know instinctively the leader’s ask is in the best interest of all.
Which is why authoritarian governments are inherently weak. They are led by weak people. Who know they are weak. Who resort to brute force to impose their will on the people they govern.
Free people must be governed by strong leaders. Courageous leaders. Who earn the trust of the people they govern with demonstrations of courage. It's an instinctual phenomenon which can’t be faked.
Free people who become subjects to authoritarian regimes suffer from weak leadership. That overcompensates with bullying tactics and shows of force. Related to "Napoleon complex," those with short stature who become tyrants applies to all of the weak pretenders who ascend to a throne. Authoritarian regimes, like the CCP, are the governing models that provide refuge and privilege for the weak who seek to rule others. A system that allows cowards to tower over men of real strength and courage. Cowards who live in delusions of their own strength, fantasies. There's a reason that Hollywood and authoritarian politicians go together, both actors and politicians are only powerful in fictional imaginings of self.
Authoritarians are weak. Never forget it. They don’t. Those asserting authoritarianism is courageous leadership invert reality of the natural world. Because they are weak. Because they are cowards. Because they lack courage and strength. And must try to convince those they seek to dominate that their inverted reality, their fiction is true. Which is why they ultimately fail.
Authoritarian power is based in lies that cannot withstand the natural laws of the natural world. Which is why they often meet the coward's fate: Mussolini, Ceaușescu, Saddam, Gaddafi. All cowards.
The CCP is actually ruled by cowards, weak men who lack courage. Needing entire armies, secret police, propagandists and censors to hold onto power. But their ultimate fate is certain. The only uncertainty is how much death and destruction they end up being responsible for in their attempts at intimidation before they meet their tyrannical end. It's the natural order of things. God's law beats man's law. Always. The strong win. Not the weak.