The Plandemic-ers are not only
(1) misunderstanding what drives democides and crimes against humanity (, and
(2) failing to find culpable the full myriad of culpable individuals (,
BUT also have
(3) prevented many lockdowners from waking up.
I understand what you're saying, Mark, about winning over the hearts and minds of the majority that will enable society to protect itself from the harms we've lived through and see hovering over us in the next whatever crisis to come will be.
That said, it doesn't make those pointing at the powerful forces that *are* pushing over domino's in strategic places in society, with a good idea of the pattern they will fall down in wrong for pointing them out. Because the evidence is there.
The lesson in this Council on Foreign Relations (highly influential panel of the most powerful business and government apparatchiks) is when it acknowledges in the beginning that they can’t speak freely on how the behavioral sciences are being used by government to coerce and manipulate populations on the record - they save those conversations for behind closed doors. Because they know the majority of the population would reject them, their plans if they heard the truth of it. Choosing to be discreet in their discussions of controlling the public mind is a strategic decision. That I think of as I hear you describe the need for 'plandemic-ers' to be cognizant of alienating the crucial majority that is needed to resist the effects of the next domino to be pushed over by removing the domino's next to it so the rest don't fall down in the pattern those forces are counting on falling.
Behavioral Insights Into Policymaking
Council on Foreign Relations, April 18, 2017
This panel is also informative, it speaks to government's using behavioral science to achieve the goals of business and government leaders. The lead panelist, Maya Shankar, headed up the Obama administration's newly created Social and Behavioral Science Team (SBST) before joining Google as their Chief Global Behavioral Scientist and co-authoring the UN's Behavioural Insights in Achieving Agenda 2030. You know, the very conspiratorial UN version of the WEF's being happy owning nothing and eating bugs Reset.
Behavioral Science is known as the "Science of Totalitarianism," and the primary psychological mind-farkery of the pandemic Nonpharmaceutical Interventions like masks, lockdowns, contact tracing, case counts, fear appeals, virtue appeals, popular appeals, appeals to authority, all of that which we are trying to immunize the population against from the next deceitful, manipulative and coercive campaign:
But, maybe you're right, and this type of discussion should be held behind closed doors, just like the CFR does. In order to more effectively gain supporters.
What if social media amplifies the most irrational voices on either side of the debate? It might seem that there's more plandemic-ers than there actually is because if it bleeds it leads.