Among the most unforgivable sins of @Twitter is the way in which it allowed absolute garbage takes on #COVID19 and #publichealth to flourish because it fed conflict, clicks and controversy. It made some careers over the past three years but had a pernicious impact.
The lack of self awareness is mind blowing.
The most unforgivable sin was actually that @Twitter — working with the federal government — censored and suspended many of the most important voices opposing the ineffective and draconian interventions, leaving the voices of intervention proponents artificially amplified.
Gregg Gonsalves @gregggonsalves
he's a public health modeler, which is to say- useless
Not knowing who this guy is, or what his position was during the punishment known as ‘the shutdown,’ his comment about Twitter could be construed as being either pro or anti vaxx/pro or anti shutdown. I wouldn’t know Gregg Gonsalves if I was pissing on him.