Everything we do has consequences. Say the wrong thing to the wrong person and even though it's legal you could still end up dead because you said the wrong thing to the wrong person. What Free Speech should mean is that one can speak freely without fear of any reprisal by ones government or any person acting on behalf of the state or from any private entity when said speech is not anything negative about said private entity but is simply in disagreement with something that private entity believes in. The part about being free from reprisal by ones government is obvious but the other is less so to some. For example I should be able to speak critically of the political party my boss supports without fear of loosing my job as long as my criticism of that party is not involving my employer in some way.
Everything we do has consequences. Say the wrong thing to the wrong person and even though it's legal you could still end up dead because you said the wrong thing to the wrong person. What Free Speech should mean is that one can speak freely without fear of any reprisal by ones government or any person acting on behalf of the state or from any private entity when said speech is not anything negative about said private entity but is simply in disagreement with something that private entity believes in. The part about being free from reprisal by ones government is obvious but the other is less so to some. For example I should be able to speak critically of the political party my boss supports without fear of loosing my job as long as my criticism of that party is not involving my employer in some way.