I suspect that the web / internet hasn’t merely made collective hysteria more likely, but generally created much more highly engrained groupthink narratives, such that — much more today than 20+ years ago — you simply cannot hear about views outside “the current virtuous thing” on mainstream media.
In which case, rather than flattening or democratizing the marketplace of ideas, social media has only radically augmented the irrational psycho-societal forces of groupthink.
Working now on what exactly about the rise of social media might explain this…
"Social media will democratize the marketplace of ideas, they said"
Heh. I remember that. Freedom of speech would be guaranteed forever. How could any government stop the free flow of ideas through transnational internet communication?
I wanted to believe it...
Did you see Twitter‘s announcement of what they’re doing to monitor speech during the midterms? Twatter fascism at its finest. They get to arbitrarily determine what is acceptable free speech