A theory on the origins of expression.
“Every one of us is, in the cosmic perspective, precious. If a human disagrees with you, let him live. In a hundred billion galaxies, you will not find another.” ― Carl Sagan, Cosmos Truth be told, I am a pro-masker promoting a book that is in some ways about anti-masking. But hear me out and then decide where you fall, perhaps this is naive of me, but I …
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2 years ago · 4 likes · 4 comments · Carissa Potter
She's steadfast on masks and her belief that individual freedom and liberty are inferior to a stated collective obligation, real evidence be damned, called "your interesting version of reality." Sigh. The programming is strong in so many. You know it took local Germans being forced to see the horrors of the concentration camps and have to bury the bodies found there to break the programming and denial of the Nazi regime. Even as they lived right next door and saw the cattle cars pull up full, leave empty, saw the smoke, and smelled the death. We all pray that's not the level of horror ahead before our programmed friends to break the spell over them.
Also, it's arguable that Cyrillic is a designed language:
Cyril and Methodius - Spiritual Fathers of Slavic Civilization
Ancient Origins, November 3, 2013
"Early Mission Work and Creation of the Glagolitic Script
When Michael III looked for who to send, he found that Constantine and Methodius were an ideal fit. They both knew a Slavic dialect spoken near Thessalonica and had proven themselves to be competent leaders and thinkers. They arrived in 863 and began to assist local congregations in making a liturgy in the Slavic language spoken in Moravia. While working on the liturgy, they realized that the Latin and Greek alphabets were not ideal for Slavic languages, so they created a new alphabet which would later evolve into the Cyrillic alphabet.
The alphabet that the missionary brothers created, the Glagolitic script, is not identical to the Cyrillic script, but the early Cyrillic alphabet was derived from it. The alphabet was based on a cursive form of the Greek alphabet that was in use in the Byzantine Empire at the time. The specific rules for their new alphabet were influenced by those of a local Slavic dialect spoken in northern Greece."
I will subscribe to your substack in a day or so. Your insights are great.
I enjoy new discoveries in how the brain works and am relentlessly asking why why why.