The criminals responsible for the draconian and destructive Covid interventions are politicians, journalists, WHO, Big Tech & Pharma etc. who pushed them.
Does it excuse any of them if they themselves got swept up in mass hysteria?
Are they only culpable if they themselves (impossibly) planned the mass hysteria?
You left out your state and local health officials and doctors as well as professional societies. Academia has been tyrannical and let’s not forget media, celebrities and your DOCTORS!
I'm old enough to remember when laws were passed to enhance penalties for harms resulting from people in a position of trust. Those with a higher duty to care not given the benefit of the doubt for negligence, ignorance, unintentional harms. Applies to child care workers and administration, senior care workers and administration, health care workers and administration. Anyone in positions of authority entrusted by those most vulnerable and unable to care for themselves or resist abusive and coercive acts resulting in harm. Whether or not those in positions of trust got swept up in uncertain circumstances.
There is great responsibility that comes with positions of power and authority over others. Those in them don't get all the benefits without accepting the risks that accompany them. Most necessarily good decision-making when the lives of those in their care are under threat. And those who choose to govern by the sword fall victim to the same sword when their reign falls. The draconian and destructive Covid interventions were the sword wielded by the criminals.
Enhanced penalties applied, both economic and criminal. MUST now apply to politicians, journalists, WHO, Big Tech & Pharma, etc. Leniency only for those who turn state's evidence to hold those at the most senior levels who are most culpable to judgment and the most severe consequences our civilization can impose.