Professor Mark Maslin, climate scientist, was proudly meeting with Twitter execs to help them censor voices (the “bad actors”) opposed to him (a “good actor”)
This is anti-science in the extreme. Science depends on free and open expression, not having centralized authorities tilting the debate toward the consensus, which only creates a positive feedback loop towards group think.
Maslin is also quoted in the Guardian story as saying that he will stay on Twitter engaging opponents with evidence.
Excellent! Now THAT is the behavior of an actual scientist, and the behavior of any responsible adult in the public square.
Censorship is not.
My Playlist on censorship, and three specifically connected to consensus…
Ah yes the Climate Change scam. Like with teh pandemic, Climate Change is an ideal means for the government to grab more power and unlike a pandemic, Climate Change doesn't come with any risks to the scammers. It really is the perfect political con job.