Our interventions worked and if they didn’t it’s because we didn’t do them but instead did your policy
Heads I win, tails you lose
Hey guys! Not only were real lockdowns, shutdowns, mask mandates, and Zero Covid never tried, but the policy in fact was one of mass infection.
Wow! They went from “our interventions totally worked” to “we never did the interventions that we said totally worked” in a jiffy! …and then straight into “aCtUaLlY tHe PoLiCy WaS iNtEnTiOnAl MaSs InFeCtIoN.”
Get in on the discussion at Twitter. Read the book! Someone. Anyone?
Addendum: The author of the book itself replied to me. Click the image to go to the tweet.
thank you
They knew better. Oh, yes they knew better. Here's an interview of someone who knew better and was saying so when authorities first demanded we give up our essential freedom:
Perspectives on the Pandemic: II
A Conversation with Dr. Knut Wittkowski
Interviewed by John Kirby, Libby Handros and Lee Davis
The Press & The Public Project
New York City, April 1 & 2, 2020
And before anyone points to the numbers of fatalities he projected as being much lower than has been reported, about those numbers that have been reported...
We all know they are BS. Even when we hear leaders on the side of restoring freedom, Team Reality quote the official numbers. Which is another topic. I invite readers to watch the video/read the transcript. Oh yes, they knew better. They just made sure voices like Dr. Wittkowski's never made their way into any group a "consensus" was rendered from. And there were a lot of voices like Dr. Wittkowski's at the time. Silenced.