Our greatest foe will forever and always be our human irrationality, and the powerful psycho-societal illnesses they engender
Our greatest foe will forever and always be our human irrationality, and the powerful psycho-societal illnesses they engender.

On the first, I warned you in March of 2020 that the wave about to devastate us wasn’t epidemiological, but psycho-societal.

Soon after, in regards to the second, I warned you that the Plandemic-ers suffer from their own human bias for a “root cause” evil mustache-twiddling puppeteer, and that they will inevitably fail us, refusing to identify the true villains and the true forces behind the Covid event.

As expected, the Plandemic-er types are now excusing those within the mass hysteria.
All those late-comer Team Reality folks who in fact agitated for medical tyranny at the start of Covid and have zero recognition that they were among the culpable? They’re all good; no apologies even need to be given, apparently. Why? They were victims.
Esther Rantzen and all those with loud voices who agitated for tyranny? Victims.

World leaders and actual tyrants like Jacinda Ardern? Even they are victims.

Understanding the causes of large scale societal events like the Covid debacle is complex, and it is not merely an academic issue.
Get it wrong and you’ll save all your approbation for just several “witches” who you will mistakenly believe are the “real” evil masterminds. (They might be among the culpable.)
Get it wrong and you won’t be able to spot the universal similarities across the great mass movements, including democides & genocides.
Get it wrong and you’ll excuse nearly all those who are actually responsible.
Get it wrong and you won’t know how to stop the next one.
And there will be one unless we learn the correct lessons.
I launched to FreeX to ensure we learn exactly the correct lessons. To help support this research, consider becoming a Member here, or donating at FreeX.
The “correct” lessons? Sounds ominous. We already learned from the NATZS and Communist China and a Russia. Mass media/govt fear propaganda, authoritarian policies, snitch lines, censorship, surveillance and tracking of the people, shunning of the “other” and branding us as “unclean”. Banning therapeutics. Parents were forced to choose between an experimental vaccine and feeding their kids. Political prisoners were taken for protesting. Obvious parallels. The USA Constitution was ignored as were Charter Rights in the Constitutions of the rest of the West. The censorship of science and debate was unparalleled in the West. People will not trust sCiEnCe or the medical community again. Restore Science. Restore debate. Restore freedom of expression. That is the only way to avoid authoritarianism. Yet the Western countries have all passed more censorship laws, save the USA. I hope you are sincere. If so, good luck in your endeavours. From Canada. Honk! Honk!
"Our greatest foe will forever and always be our human irrationality, and the powerful psycho-societal illnesses they engender"
Well, "forever and always" is a long time. When the Chinese or the Terminators annihilate us all, those psycho-societal illnesses will seem quaint by comparison.
But sure, human irrationality is definitely a big problem. And as far as I can tell, it is insurmountable.