Our fight isn’t against the “next thing,” but about the dynamics that lead to ever more “next things”
The “next things” are distractions
The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.
— H.L. Mencken, In Defense of Women
With #NetZero collective irrationality back in full force, but so closely on the heels of the Great #ZeroCovid Collective Madness, it should be more apparent than ever that we need ways to get a handle on these psycho-social “winds” that forever blow through and cause havoc on societies.
That’s why my main focus for the last three years has been on making sense of these mechanisms, as is the topic of FreeX.group
Covid and Climate Change aren’t about disease or temperature, but about human nature, psychology, evolution, narratives, and the emergent phenomena that occur when there are large groups of us.
There will always be the “next thing” that righteous mobs stampede to. To solve it we have to focus not on the endless “next things,” but on the righteous mobs always with us.
Support independent research on freedom and free expression, https://www.freex.group/xupport.html