Many on both sides seem to confuse Islam and Islamofascism
An alarming number of both Pro-Palestinian and Pro-Israeli folks seem to equate Muslims with radical jihadis, and confuse Islam with Islamofascism.
Most Muslims don’t want anything to do with radical Islam.
You can’t conclude that civilians support their brutal dictatorship just because…
1 /you see demonstrations in support/
Dictatorships are in power BECAUSE of some significant population support, but even a sufficiently zealous minority suffices. There are therefore always enough supporters to do large demonstrations.
2 /you don’t see counter-demonstrations/
Counter-demonstrations will be rare because of the obvious threats to their lives and families back at home. And any demonstrations that might occur within the country will not be covered by state TV.
3 /there was a vote for the dictatorship/
No. They are faux elections. When one party running is filled with brutal terrorists, it is not a free and fair election, as no one (not equally brutal) will dare run against them.
4 /they don’t overthrow the dictatorship/
We anti-lockdowners couldn’t even stop the Covid interventions despite no one threatening to kill us and our families!
There are 2 billion Muslims, and most find ways of living as Muslims that don’t take everything literally.
Yes, it seems Islam’s texts have more of a problem than other texts, but it’s — in my opinion — not a textual problem so much as a cultural one.
Even relatively non-problematic texts can come to be “abused” as justification for horrors if a culture of horror evolves around it.
The Communist Manifesto doesn’t prescribe genocide and democide, but the culture of communism that evolved and “orbited” the book is responsible for more deaths in the 20th century than is the Old Testament, which has much more problematic text when interpreted literally.
It’s about the culture much more than it is about the text.