Unless you have a real world physical impairment that engaging exercise would result in harm, exercise is just a win-win all around and everyone should do it. From better sleep to just feeling better over all exercise is a must no matter the age. I have labored breathing issues (ie blood clot related but not b/c of covid or teh vaccine just genetics) and it can hurt at times to start a low impact exercise like walking but once you get going and you commit to it for at least 20 mins (+/- 10 mins as not everyone is teh same) it will make a better you and it won't even require weeks of it to do so.
Unless you have a real world physical impairment that engaging exercise would result in harm, exercise is just a win-win all around and everyone should do it. From better sleep to just feeling better over all exercise is a must no matter the age. I have labored breathing issues (ie blood clot related but not b/c of covid or teh vaccine just genetics) and it can hurt at times to start a low impact exercise like walking but once you get going and you commit to it for at least 20 mins (+/- 10 mins as not everyone is teh same) it will make a better you and it won't even require weeks of it to do so.