Left, Right, and libertarian leaders failed us in March of 2020. I could barely believe it as they all jumped on the same page, the page that said that Covid is a super serious and entirely novel virus, we have to suspend liberties, and anything else is not just folly, but evil!
I thought to myself at the time, "These supposed leaders are actually buffoons, have no principles, have no awareness of their own biases, and have a complete blindness to the dangers of group think and collective hysteria."
So I stood up, and have continued to do so for the last three years. ...with considerable harm to my career as a scientist.
Meanwhile, those same failed leaders have not only NOT been humiliated for their support of tyrannical and devastating interventions, but many are actively deemed to be leaders of the anti-Lockdown / freedom movement, with no recognition of the totalitarian forces that were unleashed, and no recognition that they were part of the problem. They therefore possess no understanding of what occurred, much less of how to prevent such crimes against humanity in the future.
No thanks.
I didn't stand up and fight this for three years just so that the cowardly, principle-less loudmouths could hop back into their leadership positions once they decided they were just not that into tyranny any longer.
Many of those figures -- who I have mentioned by name in many other threads -- are highly partisan. They jump when they perceive their team to jump. They aren't leaders at all. They aren't independent thinkers. They have no evidence of even being independent thinkers.
Freedom requires more of us than that. We must each be aloof. Only through being aloof can we be the kind of decentralized network wherein free expression can work its magic and slowly move toward the truth.
Aloofness and freedom are opposite sides of the same coin. (...as are partisanship and tyranny.)
Be aloof. Subscribe here to LoofWIRED substack if you don’t already. And become a member to support real, independent research on freedom coming from a thinker who didn't fail the litmus test of our generation.
I promise I’ll keep you aloof.
"In general, of course, the sages of all times have always said the same thing and the fools, that is, the immense majority of all times, have always done the same thing, namely the opposite; and so it will always be." -- Schopenhauer
Selected excerpt from Noam Chomsky speaking tour for his book, "Manufacturing Consent" describes who you speak of.
"So in a- as a society becomes more free — that is, there’s less capacity to coerce — it simply needs more sophisticated indoctrination and propaganda. For the public good.
The similarity between this and Leninist ideology is very striking. According to Leninist ideology, the cool observers, the radical intelligentsia, will be the vanguard who will lead the stupid and ignorant masses on to, you know, communist utopia, because they’re too stupid to work it out by themselves.
And in fact there’s been a very easy transition over these years between one and the other position. You know, it’s very striking that continually people move from one position to the other, very easily. And I think the reason for the ease is partly because they’re sort of the same position. So you can be either a Marxist-Leninist commissar, or you can be somebody celebrating the magnificence of State capitalism, and you can serve those guys. It’s more or less the same position. You pick one or the other depending on your estimate of where power is, and that can change.
The- and in fact the mainstream of the intelligentsia, I think over the last, say, through this century, have tended to be in one or the other camp. Either- there’s this strong appeal of Marxism-Leninism to the intelligentsia, for obvious reasons — I don’t have to bother saying. And there’s the same appeal of these doctrines to the intelligentsia, because it puts them in the position of justifying- of having a justified role as ideological managers, in the service of real power, corporate/State power. For the public good, of course. So you naturally are tempted to one or the other position."