One up side of the Covid moral panic is that it may have irrevocably shaken up the historical “Left” / “Right” constituencies.
Because the U.S. Left happened to shift to a position of authoritarianism, many folks historically on the Left have had to re-think their alignment.
After all, the debate is no longer Left/Right at all, but authoritarianism versus freedom.
This is absolutely the key issue--who is authoritarian and who is not. Since libertarianism versus authoritarianism is the foundational value for most people, and since the current Democratic Party is nearly as right wing as Republicans (who are authoritarian themselves, just on different issues), the "left-right" divide has collapsed. It's no longer left and right, but up and down.
whatever axis im on now, i'll never go left again. talk about burning bridges!
i guess im libertarian right for now but i fear the right going down the same rabbit hole of crazy authoritarianism
america needs a real 3rd choice and there isnt a better time