David Fisman has published a paper attempting to further justify prejudice against the unvaccinated.

Our paper on disproportionate contribution of risk of unvaccinated individuals to vaccinated individuals in @CMAJ has generated a strong response, including a huge volume of hate directed at me personally.
…and is somehow surprised he’s getting a reaction.

"I rigged an inelegant model so as to continue to promote treating the unvaccinated as an unclean outgroup that we must banish from society and am surprised there is a strong reaction."

David Fisman @DFisman
Obviously, I believe a strong reaction is warranted — and I believe he is, like so many, caught up in an irrational narrative, one humans are prone to fall into (as I discuss here) — but a “strong reaction” should be consistent with the principles of free expression.
Agree, If we are discussing the "before times." But I also disagree, because we are living in the twilight zone. E.g., The MSM was ready to run with this bogus model (not a study). The pushback is on, from many docs/scientists, but legacy media is not giving them any air time. One of my colleagues was already lamenting how the unvaxxed are prolonging the problem of a return to "normal." Likewise, the Feds in Canada yesterday cited this "study" as grounds for ongoing mandates for travel and Federal workers. So this leaves many of us at a disadvantage.