Brilliant Twitter thread recording the irrational hatred and prejudice of the “unclean” unvaccinated
In light of the CDC admitting the unvaccinated are essentially the same as the vaccinated - & should follow the same Covid guidelines;
I I've decided it's time to start this (horrifying) thread 🧵
Next time you're being gaslit about the discrimination you've faced.
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Two Moments related to this…
I don’t think many people have internalized and fully comprehend how awful they became and the very nasty historical parallels that can be drawn with their behavior. I’m not sure many people are intellectually powered to the extent that they would be able to acknowledge how dark a place many of them traveled to and what allowed them to go there. The extent of the societal damage they have done is very severe and for many of us, myself included, we will never be able to come back from this and view neighbors, friends, family members and pretty much every institution across society with any degree of trust. Failure to acknowledge that we have endured a massive hysteria in which many self-proclaimed progressive liberals became regressive authoritarians will not allow for any degree of healing.
The jokes’s on those little followers of Fauci. I would have died at home before I would go the to the hellish halls of the hospital. I wonder how many of those self righteous death wishers a-holes have a vax injury and if they do, know it’s from their jabs.