Battling Authoritarian Windmills
Read this. Re-read this. Digest this. Grasp this. Do this. Be this. 👇
Governmental, world, private, academic and media organizations pushing for authoritarianism are enemies of freedom, yes.
But they are only the proximal or surrogate enemy.
These evil authoritarian-pushing interests and organizations would not have the power and sway they have if the populace was not ripe for all the varieties of authoritarianism on offer, whether it be socialism, Communism, medical authoritarianism, Islamism, Wokism, or others.
Defeat those evil organizations and others will immediately rise to fill the vacuum, for the true problem is the average person’s appetite for authoritarian solutions, his insufficient reverence for civil liberties, and the propensity for sociopolitical communities to justify coercion as righteous and good (and mass hysteria is an extreme example).
That’s why my focus (at FreeX) has always been on changing the culture and curing the ills of the social networks themselves (which are prone to the spread of evil memes).
Which is also why you never violate ethical principles to defeat your enemies. Those specific enemies might be vanquished, but the populace’s thirst for that kind of enemy still remains, and your example hasn’t helped sway anyone.
The long game is the only game.